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【FinTech Dark War & To Cheung】Shih-Wing-Ching-attitude-towards-Bitcoin-changed


This episode of Financial Secret War continues to invite Li Haode, the founder of C Fund. 


Li Haode started investing in cryptocurrencies in the early days, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum. He emphasized that only Bitcoin and Ethereum are truly important, and other currencies can be ignored for the time being. He pays less attention to the cryptocurrency market than traditional financial markets, viewing it as a personal investment rather than his main concern. He is optimistic about the approval of a Bitcoin ETF, but is concerned that inflows may not be as expected.

He mentioned that the original intention of Bitcoin was to fight against the existing financial system. However, the Bitcoin ETF itself has become part of the system. He believes that the market itself is the result of supply and demand, and some people may only focus on the rise and fall of cryptocurrency without understanding the significance of its decentralization and blockchain technology. For example, he said that the value of gold is mostly for investment needs rather than actual use. Finally, he called on investors to understand the original design intention of each asset. The market will generate value due to demand, and personal investment strategies should adapt to the market environment.


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